Wednesday, May 22, 14:00

  • Opening Reception

Thursday, May 23

  • Welcome and Introductions: Introduction of staff and program
  • Lecture: Religious Communities in Albania and the Organization of Religious Institutions
  • The relations of State and Religion in Albania (State Committee of cults)
  • Site visit to a religious community
  • Peer2Peer: Countering Violent Extremism (P2P:CVE) student projects presentations

Friday, May 24

  • Religious Freedom and Human Rights in US (Speaker TBA with U.S embassy)
  • Round Table: Religions, Freedoms and Democracy
  • The Perspective of Islam on Religious Freedom and Democracy
  • The Perspective of Catholic Church on on Religious Freedom and Democracy
  • The Perspective of Orthodox Church on Religious Freedom and Democracy
  • Questions and Discussion
  • Site visit to a religious community
  • Activity with students (Movie screening)
  • Working dinner with special guests (TBC)

Saturday, May 25

  • Round Table: “Freedoms, Human Rights and Democracy”
  • “Religious Freedom and Democracy: Different Countries perspectives”
  • Closing Ceremony